The art of negotiation – workshop
The art of negotiation – workshop
The art of negotiation – workshop

06Jan, 2021

The art of negotiation – workshop

Negotiating well can make a huge difference in achieving personal, professional, and business success – whether it’s getting the best from an employer, striking that winning deal, or even just influencing corporate decisions. With practical tools and new insights and awareness The Art of Negotiation Workshop offers participants a chance to hone their skills and move their negotiation game to the next professional level.


Unlock your negotiation potential! And learn how to:

  • Apply the five powerful principles of next level negotiations
  • Build trust and collaboration with effective communication skills
  • Manage conflict like a positive leader
  • Apply creative thinking techniques that will build mutual gain and value-driven deals
  • Make compelling arguments and address any objection
  • Manage your emotions with confidence and flexibility


This workshop is the perfect opportunity for work and managerial teams to grow together. The workshop is designed for two full days or four half-days and can be tailored and customized to your organizations’ specific needs and to your company vision.

Dr. Dina Nir

Positive Psychology for Managers

Dr. Dina Nir

Positive Psychology for Managers