Team development – workshops
Team development – workshops
Team development – workshops

06Jan, 2021

Team development – workshops

Strengthen and empower your team to meet the challenges ahead with this workshop designed to bring out their best. From building trust and minimizing conflict to increasing motivation and efficiency – all these are addressed as we work together towards optimizing your unique team’s wellbeing and success.


Building on the science and tools of Positive Psychology we will lean how to:

  • Build team bonding and unity
  • Identify individual and team strengths
  • Create positive and constructive communication and resolve conflicts among team members
  • Find creative solutions to daily challenges and improve work-processes
  • Uncover your team’s unique DNA of success


This workshop will unlock your team’s full potential by identifying each participant’s strengths and interests, while providing the tools to create constructive and positive environment. Through creative thinking and brainstorming, participants will develop new ways to work together and resolve challenges.


This workshop is the perfect opportunity for work and managerial teams to grow together. The workshop is designed for two full days or four half-days and can be tailored and customized to your organizations’ specific needs and company vision.

Dr. Dina Nir

Positive Psychology for Managers

Dr. Dina Nir

Positive Psychology for Managers