A decision making model

A decision making model

06Jan, 2021

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A four-step method that teaches people to solve complex dilemmas and internal conflicts and reach WIN-WIN decisions that promote growth, happiness, prosperity and self-fulfillment. The method was developed as part of my PhD under the guidance of Professor Avi Kluger from the Hebrew University.

Humans are prewired to experience internal tension and conflict. Being the complex beings we are, we often find ourselves overtaken with emotions, thoughts, desires, and urges, each pulling and pushing us in different directions. To move from internal disarray to actionable behavior, and conduct our lives with some purpose and perhaps a flicker of grace, we need to make a never-ending stream of decisions. These decisions govern every aspect of our lives, whether small or large, mundane or life changing, at home or at work. In fact, one could say that the person you are at this very moment, and the precise circumstances of your life are the sum total of all the decisions you have made to date. In other words, we are the sum of our decisions. Therefore, how well we make these decisions, matters. How deeply we understand what we really want, how wisely we choose, and how astutely we expand our options, profoundly affects the quality of our lives and consequently the lives of those around us. In this chapter, I will offer a novel approach by which to better understand our dilemmas and inner conflicts, and present a four-step method that is designed to guide people towards a mindful decision making process that effectively resolves dilemmas in a way that supports well-being and flourishing.

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Dr. Dina Nir

Positive Psychology for Managers

Dr. Dina Nir

Positive Psychology for Managers