Positive psychology workshop for managers
Positive psychology workshop for managers
Positive psychology workshop for managers

06Jan, 2021

Positive psychology workshop for managers

This workshop offers managers an opportunity to acquire a powerful Positive Psychology mindset and skillset. With practical and easily implemented methods the workshop will empower managers to inspire their teams and lead them towards higher motivation and energy, and engagement.


  • Managers as Positive Leaders – Empower and inspire your team to do even better.
  • Strengths – Discover your own Character-Strengths and manage your team through their unique strengths
  • Build Resilience – Find inner peace and stability in a world of volatility, disruption, and uncertainty
  • Courage and authenticity – The two-management game-changers
  • Think Feedforward – Discover your unique DNA of success as a manager.

This workshop is the perfect opportunity for managers aspiring to achieve their very best in this increasingly complex and volatile world. We offer our positive psychology workshop that provides cutting-edge managerial mindset and tools – so you can confidently lead your team towards future wellbeing and success.


The workshop is designed for two full days or four half-days and can be tailored and customized to your organizations’ specific needs and company vision.

Dr. Dina Nir

Positive Psychology for Managers

Dr. Dina Nir

Positive Psychology for Managers